Product Name:
Product supplier: | Harsh Enviro Tech |
Product Code: | HET 345 |
Product Description: | The Fine particle sampler HET 345 is known for its durable and better-quality cabinet design. Offered with a softer handle, lockable instrument to keep secure samples. Ambient air enters the HET 345 system through an Omni-directional inlet designed to provide a clean aero-dynamic cut point for particles greater than 10 micros. Particles in the air stream finer than 10 microns proceed to a second impactor that has an aero-dynamic cut point at 2.5 microns. The air sample and fine particulates exiting from the PM2.5 impactor is passed through a 47 mm dia. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Teflon filter membrane that retains the PM2.5. This is a manual method of sampling PM2.5micron particulate matter based on impactor designs standardized by USEPA. |
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Specifications: |
Warranty: | One year |